Sunday, February 17, 2008

an unusual trip, for us

Time to plan our spring trip, and we want some sunny beach and a good bit of lounging. Good for the wintry spirit. There are a couple of reasons this trip is different: we're returning to a place that's familiar, and we're going to only one place for the whole trip.

Marc took Anna to Mayan Beach Gardens the winter before we met. We both love the Yucatan, and the beaches, and we enjoy snorkeling and piddling around. We also both hate the incredibly touristy Cancun and increasingly touristy Cozumel, and Majahual is still off the beaten path -- especially after Hurricane Dean destroyed the big cruise ship pier that was being developed.

This picture shows the road leading to the small hotel -- Marc took it the last time he went. See how remote it is?

We're going back to Mayan Beach Gardens, and we'll just stay there the whole week. It was devastated by the hurricane, but they've rebuilt and restored half the cabanas. We'll have a little cabana of our own, on the beach, with a straw-topped palapa with hammocks. The generator runs in the morning and late afternoon, so we're on battery power during the evening. Marc's and Anna's palapa:

Lots of laying around in the sun, walking and taking pictures, snorkeling and swimming.

Perhaps a day trip to another town, since we're renting a car and driving from Cancun. We've both been to Tulum, so we probably won't go there again. Come on, Yucatan, take me away.....

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